Teenage pregnancy occurs in a woman 19 years of age or younger. Teenage pregnancy and motherhood have implications for several different aspects of primary health care. It violates the rights of girls, with lifethreatening consequences in terms of sexual and reproductive health, and. The south african literature is discussed against the. This work was generously supported by the ford foundations office for southern africa. Most research emphasized the negative outcomes for teen mothers and their children, without considering preexisting socioeconomic factors. Secondly, appropriate obstetric care should be provided. About 77 percent of these pregnancies were unplanned. The implications of teenage pregnancy and motherhood for.
In wellnourished females, the first period usually takes place around the age of 12 or. Teen pregnancy issues and challenges american pregnancy. National center for health statistics, national vital statistics system cdcpdf 988kb. Nowadays, teenage pregnancy has become a growing concern and therefore various causes of teenage pregnancy has become crucial. Early pregnancies among adolescents have major health and social consequences. Teenage pregnancy is defined as an unintended pregnancy during adolescence and teenage years. The impact of teenage motherhood on the education and fertility of their children. The impact of teenage motherhood on the education and. In recent decades adolescent pregnancy has become an important health issue in a great number of countries, both developed and developing. Teenagers who become pregnant are more likely to drop out of school and teenagers who drop out of school are more. Texila international journal of nursing volume 3, issue 2, dec 2017 consequences of teenage pregnancy article by catherine malethola lebina msn, texila. Because these pregnancies are typically unplanned, the teen may have been drinking, smoking or using drugs at the time of conception or during early pregnancy when the impact of such behaviors can be most harmful to the baby.
The frequency of teenage pregnancy among the youth is alarming and has become more or less a fact of life in many nations of the world including philippines. A research study published in the journal pediatrics studied more than 6,000 canadian women, ranging in age from adolescents to adults. The researchers found that girls ranging from 15 to 19 experienced postpartum depression at a rate that was twice as high as women aged 25 and older. Overall, it creates a drastic impact on the society. Teenage pregnancy, also known as adolescent pregnancy, is pregnancy in a female under the age of 20. Fueled by the popular cultural ethic that mocks the importance of marriage and advocates premature sexual experiences, one. Its likely both his and your first experience with pregnancy, and if you are earlynew in your relationship, you may not already have a solid foundation to fall back on.
Psychological impact of teenage pregnancy on pregnant teenagers by edzisani egnes sodi research dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of master of arts in clinical psychology in the faculty of humanities school of social sciences at the university of limpopo supervisor. Sexuality is an attractive, mysterious field, often prohibited by parents, society, school or other educational factors. The costs and consequences of teen childbearing katy suellentrop august 17, 2010. Teen pregnancy impacts society united families international. Pregnancy can occur with sexual intercourse after the start of ovulation, which can be before the first menstrual period menarche but usually occurs after the onset of periods. Teen pregnancy may impact the babys growth and development over time.
However,in the guideline on routine antenatal care, 1 teenage pregnancy is considered to be an area that may need additional input. The effects of teenage pregnancy on the educational. The teenage pregnancy unit was created to execute the strategy across all government departments and to work with different sectors. The financial consequences of teen pregnancy are both immediate and long term. This chapter covers the background to the study, statement of the problem, subresearch questions. Adolescent pregnancy is a prevalent phenomenon associated with increased risks of both maternal and neonatal complications during and after. It could orient family members on how teenage pregnancy can affect the family most especially the teens. Unprotected sex is the cause for teenage pregnancy, but there are many reasons surrounding a teenage girls life that could contribute to an unplanned pregnancy. The choice of the cutoff point then becomes an issue, since it may greatly affect the results. Consequently, the majority of researchers have focused on socioeconomic predictors and consequences of teenage pregnancy. Teenage mothers are more likely to suffer from health, social and emotional problems if they are not taken care of properly. Pdf consequences of teenage pregnancy texila international. In order to promote the wellbeing of child and lower the negative effects associated with the adolescent childbearing. Going through a teen pregnancy with your boyfriend can get tricky, especially if the pregnancy was not planned.
Here in the philippines, we believe in the saying of our national hero dr. This remains both culturally deleterious and personally destructive. Teenage pregnancy refers to pregnancy occurs in young girls, mostly in the range of age to 17 yeas old. Teen childbearing is associated with negative consequences for the adolescent parents, their children, and society. Girls must be able to make their own decisions about their bodies and futures and have access.
The effects for a married teen with a wanted pregnancy will be dramatically different than for an unmarried teen with an unexpected pregnancy. The strategy adopts a twopronged approach, embracing the dual aims of preventing early teenage pregnancies and supporting young parents. In their hand lies the future generation to follow. Consequences, causes and policy recommendations akina shrestha nepal 48th international course on health development september 15th, 2011 september 7th 2012 kit royal tropical institute.
It lies after puberty, between 1420 years, including the time of beginning of sexual life. Aim of the study to identify the major consequences of teenage pregnancy. In developed and developing countries teenage pregnancy continue to receive increased attention because of early age at which adolescents engage in sexual activity and the result of unplanned and unintended pregnancies associated with the risk and problems of early motherhood. They could realize the negative effects of teenage pregnancy and how it could change their whole life. Teenage pregnancy increases when girls are denied the right to make decisions about their sexual and reproductive health and wellbeing. Causes and effects of teenage pregnancy sample essay. Discover how pregnancy affects the health of teen mothers and their babies. Due to the many concerns associated with teenage pregnancy, a large number of teens turn to alcohol and drugs. Teenage pregnancy is one of those life events that few families anticipate, and the effects of adolescent pregnancy reach well beyond the young mothers life, impacting the lives of other family members.
Consequences of teenage pregnancy teenage pregnancy center. Teenage pregnancy has lots of effects on educational development of teenagers who are victims of this phenomenon. Whether the pregnancy is terminated, the baby is placed for adoption or the child is regarded as an unexpected, but. Pdf teenage pregnancy and its negative consequences. Society it could lessen the percentage of single parenthood among the community. It is against this background that this study seeks to explore the effects of teenage pregnancy. More than one third of girls in some countries report that their first sexual encounter was coerced. In a way, teenage pregnancy is the serious issue, which causes significant negative effects for teen parents, their children, and other family members. Specifically in ghana and as in many other african countries, most teenagers are in school. The effects of teenage pregnancy on the behaviour of. According to jackie, 2012 low selfesteem is among the causes of teenage pregnancy. But as we see from the situation nowadays, what were expecting from the youth is the contrary if the saying. In order to disentangle the ef fect of teenage childbearing on several socioeconomic outcomes, we match females who became pregnant during adolescence with.
Country rates range from 1 to 299 births per girls, with the highest rates in subsaharan. Teenage pregnancy, a case of underaged girl usually within ages of thirteen to nineteen years becoming pregnant, is a serious cankerworm that has eaten deep to the fabric of our societies in this contemporary period. The costs and consequences of teen childbearing cdcpdf. Doc psychological effects of teenage pregnancy aspc. There is a lack of provision of school to facilitate resumption of teenage mothers education, and if she does resume, she is forced to leave her baby at home and discontinue breast feeding which may affect motherchild bonding. Sexuality is an attractive, mysterious field, often prohibited by parents, society, school or. July 7, 2010 teen pregnancy impacts society the percentage of children born out of wedlock grows annually. Consequences of teenage pregnancy include health risks for the mother and the unborn baby. Basch 2011 believes that this drop is due to an increase in access to sex education, a delay in initial sexual intercourse, and an. Another way to compare the effects of teen versus older childbearers would be to simply dichotomize at age 19, for example, and compare the socioeconomic status of those with a first birth at or before age 19 and those with a first birth after age 19. First, the provision of health education and contraceptive services is obviously relevant to the prevention of unplanned teenage pregnancy. Other factors, such as family support, health issues, and economic circumstances can all make the effects of a difficult teen pregnancy worse or mitigate them. Higher teen pregnancy and birth rates than comparable. The following are some of the consequence of teenage pregnancy in the society.
Furthermore, the results of a study on the teenage pregnancy rate conducted in the kavango region, by the united states agency for international development usaid, 2011, revealed that the teenage pregnancy rate in kavango like zambezi region was double the national average, standing at 34 per cent among the 15 to 19yearold age group. Also learn about effects on fathers, prevention, and more. This global phenomenon is especially prevalent in economically developed countries. Statistics and programs congressional research service summary in 2014, u. The more common medical complications that may occur during a teen pregnancy include anemia, toxemia, high blood pressure, placenta previa and premature birth of the baby. Evidence for europe this paper estimates the causal effect of being born to a teenage mother on childrens. Teenage pregnancy has health consequences not only to the mother but also to her child. Many teenage mothers do not complete their high school education and this may affect their selfesteem. Teen pregnancy is an important issue which needs to be addressed and dealt within a constructive manner. Carrying a baby and becoming a mom not only creates physical changes.
Spend the next few minutes talking about the costs and consequences of teen childbearing. Teen pregnancy prevention unintended pregnancy, repeat live births, and postpartum contraceptive use among teenage mothers ages 1519 background cdc has identified teen pregnancy p revention as a winnable battle. Teenage pregnancy means a teenager who is pregnant. It puts her in a place where shes responsible not only for herself, but also for another human being. A teenage pregnancy can change the course of a young moms life. In recent decades adolescent pregnancy has become an important health issue in. Some teen mothers may feel stigmatized by their families or ignored by their friends. The impact of teenage pregnancy on academic performance.
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